//EDITED To Update Search Schema by Vishu :)



Saturday, 28 February 2015

New Call Only Campaign Introduced by Google Adwords

There are lots of business websites who are selling their service online via E-commerce setup. These website owner are capturing market data with
Google recently introduced Call only campaign which helps advertisers to deliver only calls for generating leads. The idea behind comeup with Call Only campaign comes due to increasing day by day searches over Mobile Phones / Smart Phones. These users are potential customers who are willing to obtain immediate service so more interested to call instead of visiting website.

How Call Only Campaign Works?
In Call Only campaign, A new sub-type is available which is “Call-only – Ads that encourage people to call your business. “ However you can add only call only Ad to any Search network campaign. 

You can create call only ads by following below mention steps:
·         Go To Ad tab and select Call Only Ad
·         Give Your Business Name
·         Enter Business Phone Number (or Google Forwarding Number)
·         Enter Description Line 1 & Line 2 with Call to action.
·         Enter Display url for view.
·         Enter Verification url.
Now your Ad will be appear on Mobile/Calling device with call extension. So everytime user click on your Ad is actually calling to your business number.

Drawbacks of using Call only Ads:
There are some drawbacks for using Call only which are as below:
·         As call only campaign delivers only calls but mostly user intention is to call only once they are well aware with you or already visited on your website. So there are less chances to receive calls via call only ads than regular mobile preferred Ads.
·         Recently announced Ad customizer does not work with cal only ads. So any special offer ending soon cannot connect with call only Ads.
·         Call Only ads are available for Search Network only campaign and can not use over Display network no even work for lightbox ads.

Al above point confirm that Call only ads is not a big success unless we get full access with other networks. Keep visit to get all Adwords & Search Engine Marketing update.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Google Adwords Editor 11.0.3 – Another Adwords Campaign Success Key

Recently launched Adwords Editor 11.0 webmasters complained about some glitches. These were not good as per user experience and require immediate changes. Google just worked on same and came up with New Editor 11.0.3 version. There were some more adwords editor that was good too.
What Google released in it’s recent release are as below:

SiteLink Data: At the time of import, Advertisers can get SiteLink data.

Template Ads: All kind of Template Ads can uploaded via Adwords Editor 11.0

Statistics Download (Window): Earlier it used to show error while perform Downloading Ad statics which has been fixed now.

Duplicate SiteLinks: For all duplicate SiteLinks will be notified with a Yellow warning error.

Navigation Shortcuts: Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigation are available for working faster.

Export Account View: Instead of exporting whole account or campaign, Advertisers can download only selected campaign by selecting “Export Current Selection….”

Combined Bid Types: Use direct Rules by choosing “Set Bids no higher than ….” Or “Raise Bids to first/top of page” to better manage your account by Adwords Editor 11.0.3

Image Ad Search: Advertisers can search for Image Ad when Ad name matches.

Sortable Column: No rules require when you want to sort any column like first page bid, Quality score, top of page bid etc.

Sortable Image Dimension: Not only by name but you can sort image ad by it’s dimension too.

Download Adwords Editor 11.0.3 today to remove glitch.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

5 Tips for Handling Customer Complaints on Social Media

Creating a Social Media account is quite easy but when maintaining same for great and continue visibility is quite tough than we expect. By creating social profile does not mean that we are visible to audience which is our target audience but we are also available to existing customers which are not happy with our service. This could really put a negative impact on our reputation.

To avoid negative response from social media accounts, below are some recommendations:

1.       Auto Approval of Comments: Ever you post any update or article on social media accounts, make sure that you disabled auto approval of all comments. As it is not necessary that comments by follower will always positive. Better to have Admin rights to review all comments manually and approve than.
2.       Respond As Soon As Possible: We all know when we post any comments on any updates then we are actually subscribing all acivities on particular post. This means being as a customer we need immediate respond, most probably within 24 hours. So respond immediately to all questions or comments over posts.
3.       Use Professional Language: At the time of post you are not an individual person, but A representer of your Brand service or company. So it is important, not to rude or take anything personal when responding.
4.       Responding to All Comments are Not Necessary: Now a day most of the spammer do lots of activities over Social profiles, which also include comments on posts. Being as Admin of Social Profile you must be good to have understanding such a way that who are spam comments and who actually need to have response back.

5.       Understand you Customer: Every customer expects to get some loyalty benefit and treated like special customer. They are more interested to avail service from them who treat their customer like human and not any umber like employee ID. They are associated with your social pages because they want to have social experience with you.

In Conclusion of your Social Media accounts target your customer audience but only for those who might not ready to trust on your service. So keep them treated like special and engage them regularly for great social experience.

Monday, 9 February 2015

4 Steps to Create Remarketing Audience via Google Analytics

Remarketing is an essential way to reach those potential customers who are already visited to your website or actively searching for similar products. Remarketing is helpful when you already defined your audience and having any specific offer to attract customers. All you need to ready with a plan strategy, which advertisers already have. In very first step of defining your audience require to place remarketing tags on your complete website, so require IT person to implement code. But when you have some sort of time and cannot recall developer team immediately then it is now possible to tag your website if you already have Google Analytic code installed.

To make it easy for advertisers, Remarketing audience can now generate by following 4 simple steps and they can immediately start with their Remarketing campaign.

1.        Go to Admin section of your Google Analytic account and under the Property setting, choose ‘Audience’ within ‘Remarketing section.

2.        As these audience lists are useful for running Remarketing campaign in Adwords, so it is necessary to select Adwords account. If you have linked many Adwords account linked in Analytic Property then you will found all those options available. Choose right one and proceed to ‘Next’.

3.        Now ‘Enable’ to create very first list which includes all users of your website.

4.        Once you all done then final steps remaining to create your Remarketing Campaign.

You can always come back later on to create more complex audience list like “visitors who stayed on your website more than 6 minutes” or “Audience which has more than 5 page views”. These complex audience list can help you to fulfill your plan strategy for achieving potential customer and increase your Sale.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

How SEO Agency can Win More Customers for SEO in Year 2015

A survey recently done by SEOWebTouch.com shared its report in which we found that after Panda & Penguin updates lots of agencies are shutdown. The biggest reason behind it is that they do not have enough clients to continue with agency services. This information Google already having, so Google itself trying to target those agencies who were dealing in SEO but now wants them to approach their clients for Adwords.

Most of the Agencies already started to take interest in Google proposal and started to pitch their clients for Adwords. But some questions come in minds are as below which covered in analysis survey:
·         Is this strategy good to follow?
Pitching clients for doing Adwords who are not having enough budgets is useless. Because Adwords is helpful only when you are having enough budget to spend. Lower budget you have can not get expected ROI. But it is better to suggest plan which includes SEO as well as Adwords too by using Remarketing, Branding and Display campaigns.

·         Is there no more Advertisers want to go for SEO?
As per survey records now a day advertisers who were not available online, now interested in advertising. But they are local one so they do not have enough budget to spend. There are many advertisers who are ready to spend upto $500 per month but need good planning strategy. If you have great strategy planning then you can achieve customers for your agency.

·         Where are customers?
Most of the biggest companies are now not interested in dealing with SEO Agencies as they already hired their Online Digital Marketing expert team. But still there are scopes of customers who are interested in Local Area advertising. So target those audience which are having local business is better.

·         Optimize Website or Local Business?
Website works as store branding when goes for local, but more interested in buying product after visiting to shop. So presence your business website locally over map is very important. Create Google Plus page with listing over map and associate website with website by Publisher tag.

·         Everything Else:
Planning things are better than to do it in Great way. So it require to do all else activities which are require to keep you active in front of your target audience.
PPC: Use Pay Per Click for displaying your brand campaign or discount coupons for target audience.
Social: Not only G+ but use all most of social signals and keep posting it with regular updates. Tell your audience that you are active and serving what most that they will be interesting in your product/service you offering.

Email Marketing: Another great way to keep callback your audience to your business website is email marketing. But make sure that you are not spamming them.