//EDITED To Update Search Schema by Vishu :)



Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Reminder About Changes Reflecting in Reach & Frequency Reports Availability

 All account managers and Webmasters must remember upcoming changes. On 15th January a Post shared over Blog already mentioned that Reach & Frequency report will be no longer available in Dimension tab. This has been moved to campaign tab, So they need to make necessary required changes if they have automated rules or using scripts.
From today improved version of Reach & Frequency will be having more importance while optimizing account.

Keep Reading and subscribe blog to receive important updates!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

+Post Ads now Includes Polls with Related Posts in Google Ads

After long time Google announced new changes in +Post Ads helpful for increasing reach to your target audiences. Some days back +Post ads was introduced to increase engagement of audience with published content over Display Network. This was great way to become part of communication in real time socially. There are very less people who are aware with +Post ads and using because this requires Advertisers to be proactive to distribute/promote content.

Now Google Adwords extending reach of your Polls to more audience when using lightbox ads over Display network. Earlier poll on Google+ option was only able to show your page followers about any interest, topic, business or brand.

How to Start? To start with this feature in +Post over Google+, Advertisers require to login their Adwords account and create a new engagement ad campaign. Also include poll which they want to publish within lightbox ads.

Another major update will be coming soon might be in some weeks which will include a brand reorganization in your +Post ads when you are sharing any post. As per Google it is not good to show only an article/post over Google+. So in coming update your Brand will also appear just after your Post extends. This must meetup with a higher CTR and expension rate.

Happy to update posting regular Google Adwodsupdates.

Improve Impression Share to Reach More Potential Visitors

Reaching your daily budget limit in Adwords does not mean that you are capable enough to capture all available traffic, But it limits to you extending reach to more potential visitors. So it is advisable to increase budget timely and cover maximum traffic available over internet.

Reverse of this if your daily budget limit is not reaching than it is worse situation because it clearly indicates that your Ad is not actual reaching to visitors. To measure your missing opportunity Google described about Impression Share term. This is important as like as click & impressions for a website. Impression Share is actual impressions your Ad received out of your Ad was eligible. This can give you idea that how you are lacking with your competitors.

It was not easy for measuring missing opportunity but Patrick and Amanda discussed and revealed that how to improve impression share in below video.

Happy to update posting regular Google Adwodsupdates.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Ad Google Trusted Store to Win Buyers Confidence Resulting Higher Conversion Rate

Shopping Campaign is a great way of success in achieving customers or sales in real time. As per recent update it is the time of increasing percentage in chance of converting a visitor by winning their trust. This is possible when merchants are having a Google trusted store available. To do so Google just announced success strategy for Shopping in Year 2015 and today rolling out some set of improvements in process of joining Google trusted stores for merchants. Google confident and having past data to assure that this will be helpful for gaining many of customer’s confidence.

Trusted Store Benefits to Advertisers/Merchants: To offer great shopping experience consistently; a free certification program Google Trusted Store has been designed. Merchants required qualifying for certification and once their store will be eligible, they will be awarded with a badge (displayed on website as well as on Google shopping). At present Google Trusted Store is limited to USA, UK, Australia, Germany, Japan and France counties only.

Trusted Store Benefits to Customers: Customers shopping over Google Trusted Store will be offered a free purchase protection worth eligible orders upto $1000. This free purchase protection includes entire purchase amount over Google Trusted Store, including tax and shipping. Customer will get 60 days time period after placing orders.

Applying for Trusted Store: Google made this simplest than ever for merchants who wish to apply for Trusted Store. Merchants need to create an account and add two snippets of code to their website. Earlier it was mandatory to submit shipment and cancellations feeds which no longer require. Merchants can specify desire position for placing badge over HTTPS page of website now.

Beneficial in Adwords: Once Merchants are qualified for Google Trusted Store than they are able to receive seller ratings which are useful to show over Text Ads as well as Shopping Ads. Merchants will get ability to enable Review extension, display a separate line with Adwords Ad helping to increase CTR (Click Through Rates). So Trusted Stores review extension helpful to bring more attention of customers by highlights status in AdWords and the Badge gives trust & confidence to visitors resulting in higher conversion rate.

It does not matter that how small or large merchant account you have but matter is that your merchant store is trustable. If still you have not applied for Google Trusted Store Program, Apply here.

Happy to update posting regular Google Adwodsupdates.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Non Friendly Mobile Sites Might Be Stop Ranking In SERP

Lots of webmasters started receiving Mass Scale warnings that were not having website mobile friendly. They are clearly informed that if they want good ranking for smartphone users then they have to resolve issues in website which appearing for mobile users. 

Google already suggested lots of optimization ways to make their websitemobile friendly, but this is first time when Google sending such notification via mails as well as Webmaster Tool warning message. Due to this kind of behavior experts are assuming that this time Google is more focusing to get website ready for mobile users. However Google is not saying that this will be transfer to penalty but it could be in coming couple of days.
Below mention is a snapshot of message sending by Google:

Google Experts saying that as mobile optimization of website already included in ranking factor table than it is sure that Google is now testing mobile usability issue and sure this will be going to affect in near future.

Happy to update posting regular Google Adwodsupdates.

Google Adwords Shared Library- A Major Update

Google made easy to manage different campaigns requiring same Ads in Year 2014. In every Adwords account there is option to use Shared Library in which Advertisers are able to share single Ad to several Adgroups within different campaigns. But Google now decided to move this facility from shared library completely. This update will be effective from 11th February 2015 in all accounts.

Why Ad sharing facility Moved? 
As per Google in past days there was very limited option to create Text Ads which used to take lots of time for creating same Ads in several Ad-groups. For doing this task in short time, Advertisers have to use Adwords Editor. But now a days there are other Text Ad method creation facility available including copy & paste facility within Adwords interface. So this does no longer require.

What will happen after this update take place?
All Ads which are available in shared library will be automatically copied to targeting Adgroups. This can cause to duplicate Ads in Adgroups.

What should Advertisers do?
If an advertiser using API or Adwords Editor to manage account then it is recommended to them sync their account after 11th Feb prior to proceeding any changes.
Happy to update posting regular Google Adwodsupdates.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Follow Some Rules to Get Success for Shopping Campaign in Year 2015

Past year there were lots of updates and it will be regularly in coming Year 2015. Google Adwords understand needs of customers as well as Advertisers, So find out various ways to guide Advertisers and recommend them necessary changes. Shopping Campaign is having biggest update in last year which replaced with PLA. There are many other targeting options available than PLA which is easier than ever. Insights in Shopping campaigns are much better than any PLA campaign of which advertisers are getting benefits day by day when they want to target such audience who are looking for products in Real time.

Adwords invites Advertisers to commit with some resolutions for this Year which will be helpful to find more customers at lower price:

1.    Updating Product Feed on Time: We understand that Advertisers are quite busy with regular meetings, personal meets and other scheduled/unscheduled works. During which we have guidelines to update product feed in Merchant account, which should be updated before it expires or your account is getting any warning message for updating product feed. It is an important measuring key of your Shopping campaign success which also ensures to Google that how important Advertising is beneficial for you.

2.    Self Organized: At the starting of Merchant account it was not so easy to update Product feed, but in 2015 evolution it became easier than ever to organize your product feed not only manually but automatically too. What happen when you do not get time to update your Product feed, Quality Score reduced and Shopping Ads become stop serving. We help Advertisers to schedule their Product Feed to update automatically.

3.    Try new things in Year 2015: It is the time when customers are available over Mobile Phone & Tablets in Real time. To target such customers in Real time it is necessary that you bid higher on Mobile Device and grab the opportunity to win new customers .As per past year (2014) measurement we came up with data saying visitors are converting 3.5X more on Mobile/Tablet device than any Desktop users.

4.     Use of Diagnosis: The ultimate goal of an Advertiser is to sell products, for which it is very important that products available in your Merchant account is free of issues. Google understand this thing and introduced Diagnosis tab in Google Merchant account. Now you do not require assuming about product data health as you can check yourself for Product feed via Diagnose. Consider this as the part of optimization in Year 2015 to regular health check for your products in Merchant account. Advertisers also take care that how their products are being searchable over Google via running Search Term Report and optimize accordingly.

5.    Own Updated Information: It might be that sometimes Advertisers are not able to see all issues and that time Google person can help them for any issue or new service update. For doing this Advertiser make sure that they have their own updated information, so they are not missing actual opportunities.

Happy to see you advertising in Year 2015 with great success.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Google Adwords Reach and Frequency Report now in Upgraded Version

New Year brings new update announced by Google for Reach & Frequency report. Currently Reach & Frequency reporting is very important when Advertiser wants to measure that how many unique visitors were interested in his Ad. Also, how many times a unique user was exposed to single Ad. This helps Advertiser to understand that before conversions how many times a user require to see Ad, Basis on which Display campaign strategy can plan.

Due to importance of Reach & Frequency reporting Google decided to improve this via including in campaign tab. Now this will be possible to view aggregate result for any time range (day, week, month etc.) for Display campaign.

Eg. If you have the requirement to find out the exact number of cookies, which exposed to your Ad especially on a weekend, then you can insert ‘Reach metrics’ column in campaign tab and select exact date range as per your requirement. Now available report will be as per your need which was not possible earlier in Dimension tab only.

Below are the steps to get Reach & Frequency column in ‘Campaign’ tab:
1.    Select Campaign tab on which you want to see Reach & Frequency tab.
2.    Select customize columns by clicking over column tab.
3.    Select Reach Metric.
4.    Select to add all columns
5.    Finally click on Apply

All updated Reach & Frequency report for Campaign tab will be available from 28th January. It is recommended to all advertisers make changes in scripts, macros or reporting filter prior to 28th January, if they are using.